Monday 15 November 2010

Advertsing through celebraties

In today's environment, consumers are subjected to a stream of advertising. This happens in every possible way and at every possible opportunity, mostly through the mass media. To gain a commercial advantage over different competitors in this world of "bland' brand names and everyday products, advertisers achieving different techniques. They can turn to a celebrity for help. Celebrities themselves are products of the mass media: they live through them and by them, so they form a rational target for advertisers.
Companies have been using stars to advertise and sell nearly everything, from food to food chains, from soft and hard drinks to health drinks, from clothes and accessories to cars. This is commonly called "testimonials" or "celebrity endorsements", this technique of persuasion is related to the person that is appearing in the ad: If the celebrity or athlete star use the product, then it must be good, so I would purchase it too.The use of celebrity advertising we think personally has become a trend.

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