In this presentation we will be going through the history of pepsi, how the product has promoted, changed and advertised its self through the years. We will also be looking at the struggle pepsi has had through its fellow rivals Coca Cola. Despite pepsi changing its appearance throughout the years it’s always found it difficult to keep up with the leading best selling drink. Our Pitch is to find a new USP, which will hopefully be able to compete with coca cola.
We have come up with a few ideas to help promote the company.
We could look at changing the colours of the bottles? Using Pink for females etc. Also we had the idea of making bottles into shapes of people, i.e. one bottle would have a masculine design maybe wearing a suit?
Pepsi already use football and music as their main promoters so we could incorporate our designs and adding a new design to the bottle/can?
The problem is pepsi always fail against rivals coke so instead of helping promote the company we need to come up with our own idea and re brand the company.
Our idea is to produce 3 distinctive tastes that will change the original taste of pepsi.
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